Distribute a conversational survey

Invite participants to a conversational survey. One activity can have multiple invitations.

View survey distributions

  1. From the Alida Apps page, open the Conversational Surveys app.
    Result: The Conversations list opens.
  2. Click a conversational survey to open it.
  3. Click Distribute.
    The Distribute page lists all distributions for the conversational survey.
  4. Optional: Filter distributions by status:
    • Draft: The distribution has not been scheduled or distributed yet.
    • Distributed: The distribution was sent to recipients, either immediately or because the scheduled date was reached.
    • Scheduled: The distribution is scheduled to be sent on a future date.

Create a new distribution

  1. On the Distribute page, click New Distribution.
  2. Type a Distribution name.
    This is an internal name for the distribution and will not be visible to recipients.
  3. Select a method for adding recipients:
    Option Description
    Use a CSV file If you select this option, click Select file and browse for a CSV file and upload it. For more information about how to format your CSV file, see Distribute a conversational survey.
    Enter recipients manually If you select this option, type a phone number for each recipient. The system checks whether the phone number is a valid 10-digit number. However, it is up to you to ensure the phone number is correct.
    • Names are optional.
    • To add a recipient, click Add New Recipient.
    • To select a country code, click the flag icon and select a country from the list.
    • To delete a recipient, click the delete button beside it.
    Member Groups If you select this option, click the Member Group dropdown and select a member group from the list. In the Profile Variable dropdown, select a profile variable. Beside Eligible Recipients, review the number of recipients. For more information about member groups, see Member groups.
    • This option is for customers with Communities only.
    • Members must have a phone number profile variable to be eligible to receive the communication.
    • A phone number profile variable must contain the country code.
    • The member group must be set up before making the distribution. It is not possible to filter eligible members within the distribution page. See Create a member group.
  4. Select a send option:
    Option Description
    Send now Sends the distribution immediately. If you select this option, click Confirm.
    Schedule for sending later Sends the distribution at the specified date and time. If you select this option, set the date and time.
  5. Click Create Distribution.